[Mesg: Data handler com.ibm.bcg.DataHandlers.AttachmentDataHandler failed to convert message (ID:414d51206263672e71756575652e6d61b5afea4620010103) to business object (any). It reported the following error: com.ibm.bcg.DataHandlers.AttachmentDataHandlerException:CxCommon.Exceptions.BusObjSpecNameNotFoundException: Unable to find version "*
.*.*" of business object definition "SBX_".. ]
I tried 3 different BO's and with all of them I get the same error. I had a problem before with the collaboration object that didn't want to start so the connector wasn't even starting. I fixed that but now I'm hitting the wall with this one. I recreated already the connector from scratch and nothing.
Two weeks ago the ICS server didn't want to start, and we had to pull a db backup from last month to make it work. I don't know if there are still hidden issues of the previous problem or a new one because we did that.
Anyone with an idea of the best approach to solve this issue?
This error occurs when the structure of the XML request put into the request queue does not match the BO definition in the repository of the connector.
Please check the following -
1. A BO XSD by name ASBOPip3C3_Pip3C3InvoiceNotification.xsd is present in the repository directory of the connector
2. The BO ASBOPip3C3_Pip3C3InvoiceNotification is listed in the Supported Business Objects tab of the connector configuration file
3. The XML message put into the request queue has an RFH header with the following attributes set under the mcd directory - (Msd='xml', Type='ASBOPip3C3_Pip3C3InvoiceNotification', Fmt='CwXML')
4. The XML body is valid and contains proper namespace prefixes
check DataHandler\CwXMLDataHanlder.jar
check have any OverWrite method
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1 則留言:
沒想到你也會 ICS ,請問你之前做哪個案子?
我做過幾家銀行都是用 ICS開發的。