
Monting SQL server 2012 Express in cacti using wmic

建立了cacti ,使用WMIC來監控SQL server 2012 Express狀態

[wmi/wmic.c:212:main()] ERROR: Retrieve result data.
NTSTATUS: NT code 0x80041010 - NT code 0x80041010


o confirm that this problem is occurring, you can use the WbemTest.exe tool that is provided with Microsoft Windows Server 2003. To use the WbemTest.exe tool, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, click Run, type Wbemtest, and then click OK.
  2. In Windows Management Instrumentation Tester, click Connect.
  3. In the Namespace box, type root\cimv2, and the click Connect.
  4. Click Enum Classes.
  5. In the Enter superclass name box, type Win32_Perf, click Recursive, and then click OK.
  6. In Query Results, you will not see results for the counters that are not transferred to WMI.
For example, the counter object for Exchange Server 2003 routing is OBJECT_SDSMTP_ROUTING_009_NAME=SMTP Routing. If this counter does not exist, you will not see the following lines in Query Results:
  • Win32_PerfFormattedData_SDSMTPROUTING_SMTPRouting
  • Win32_PerfRawData_SDSMTPROUTING_SMTPRouting

1.我升級到標準版,一樣監控不到,原因是:WMI的emun class名字沒變(意思就是:不要搞升級,重新安裝)
2.真的要監控express版本,WQL:"SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSQLEXPRESS_MSSQLSQLEXPRESSTransactions",
WQL:"SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerDatabases"



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