
C# sealed vs Java final



That's because final in Java means plenty of different things depending on where you use it whereas sealed in C# applies only to classes.
In Java final can be applied to:
  • classes, which means that the class cannot be inherited. This is the equivalent of C#'s sealed.   

  • methods, which means that the method cannot be overridden in a derived class. This is the default in C#, unless you declare a method as virtual and in a derived class this can be prevented for further derived classes with sealed again.

  • fields and variables, which means that they can only be initialized once. For fields the equivalent in C# is readonly.


JPA+complex key+custom Query

  來源: https://www.cnblogs.com/520playboy/p/6512592.html   整個來說,就是有複合主鍵 然後要使用  public interface XxXXxx DAO extends CrudRepository<Tc...